We trade with major international clients and being FMCG's biggest importer and exporter, we need a lot of hands-on board doing the right calculations. Our procurement department...
The sales department is an integral part of our company operations. This department deals with the connections and links to our loyal and growing customer base...
The finance department in our company handles the inflow and outflow of cash and resources. They see that the deals are made and that all payments are made to our excellent dealers and suppliers....
The warehouse management department ensures that all the products that we store from our distributors and our suppliers are stored in a hygienic and good condition. They also ensure that there are no products...
The logistics department in a company is responsible for tallying how much supply is needed for how much demand. This department keeps a track of the products that are in and out of the company and make sure...
Department is responsible for the company's handling and management of the employees. This department makes sure that all the employees in the company are working under safe and good conditions and that all their...
This department is responsible for running all the technology-related items and technology-related products that exist in the company. Department makes sure that all the monitors and the checkout Cassius are working fine....
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